Term 4 Year 4 sleepover

Title: Year 4 Sleepover
WALT: Stay the night at school

I learned: how to play games using team work

Here is an example of my learning: We played games using team work

Next time I will: Sleep in a quieter place


Tittle swimming
WALT my group was learning breathstroke and Overarm

I learned
how to do overarm and kinda breathstroke

here is an example of my learning
learn to swim breathstroke and overarm

next time i will
try harder and listen more

Intergrated Learning

 WALT: design and create new furniture for our classrooms .

I learned: how hard it is to glue small things together

here is an example of my learning

Next time I will try harder to get more stuff done in less time so mine will look very cool.


WALT: Throw, strike and kick a large ball.

I learned: To kick the large balls.

Here is an example of my learning: I can kick a large ball about 10 metres

Next time I will: try kick the ball straighter

Maths Term 3 - Statistics

WALT: use a tally chart to record information 

I learned how to draw a tally chart and use tally marks
Here is an example of my learning 


Next time I will try to use tallying to to collect different information

Visal Art Term 2/3

WALT: Create a mosaic picture using pastel and Indian ink.

I learned to use chalk to break my picture into pieces

Here is an example of of my learning: I have used big shapes to break up my picture.

Next time I will break my picture up into more detailed parts.

te Reo

WALT: introduce our self in Te Reo

I learned how to introduce my self in Te Reo

I acheved my goal because trIed really hard to pronounce the words correctly.

Next time I will practice more often          

Ko Lisa toku mama
Ko Ryan toku papa

Liam's Post on Friday, 17 June 2016

Easy Blog Photo
WALT: skim and scan the text I learned how to Skim and scan I achieved my goal because skimmed and scanned the text and found the key word Next time I will try harder and do more skimming and scanning

Liam's Post on Friday, 3 June 2016

Easy Blog Photo
Title :ANZAC Writing WALT: write an ANZAC narrative I learned how to write big stories. I achieved my goal because my story had lots of ideas in it. Next time I will try harder and add more information.

Liam's Post on Friday, 20 May 2016

Easy Blog Photo
I learnt how to plant a seed this is an example of one of the seeds we planted at Orderings yesterday The steps we had to follow were: Planting plant Trying to not get hurt at the big robot thing Follow the instructions I learnt about Soil About plants Water and seeds I achieved my goal because I listened and follow the instructions

Liam's Photo on Friday, 20 May 2016

Easy Blog Photo

Kauri Year 4/5 Goal Setting

has just shared this Viewable by link Google Document with you:Liam