In AVAILLL we have been watching movie and looking at there subtitles and the teacher has been giving us activites e.g when the teacher stops the movie when need to write down the last word we heard

here is one of my activites 

Reading w2 t3 2.8.17

My learning Goals for Term 3


I have been identifying my literacy goals for the start of term 3
My reading teacher is Mrs Marsh
My writing teacher is Mr Forman

So What?

My handwriting goal is to Flick and slope

My spelling goal is to complete list

My writing goal is to write about a moment in time using a picture prompt
                                use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences
                                use a variety of verbs and adjectives to make my writing more interesting, and
                                precise nouns

My reading goal is understand what the author has writen in a paragrah to help us make a sensible prediction what will happen in the next paragraph

My blog goals are  to  add more detail to my blog posts
                            to proofread and edit my blog post before publishing
                            to use a variety of ways to show my learning (text, photos/images, video)
                            to complete all the set blogs for this term
                            to do a ‘Can Do’ blog about an achievement, some other learning or something I

                            proud of my progress in clarafying


On Tuesday and Wednesday we had Kauri athletics.
A challenge I faced on athletics day was high jump which was really fun.  When I got up to a metre
I did the jump first time but I jumped over sideways so my shoulders went over first sadly.

My favourite event on the day was high jump because I enjoyed more than the other events.

Somthing I am proud of is that I got up three stages in high jump.

City Trip

On the City trip we went to the Art Gallery, Muesem and a walk around the City.

Something that wa interesting was when we went to the Art Gallery and in the foyer there was chairs and tables hanging from the celling with long light bulb thingies going through them.

Something I learnt was when we went to the muesem they used sticks with stones on them for weight to drill holes in things.

Here are some photos.